places to buy his excellent works:

Eurotica Amerotica

Ignacio Noe

Date of birth: January 27th 1965
Nationality: Argentinian


Not much is known about the personal life of this excellent artist.  Below is information on some of his works.

Erotic Comics (many perversions):

Convent of Hell
Ship of Fools
Piano Tuner
I'm Not Crazy
An Indecent Proposal
Farewell To A Girl's Innocence
Love One Another
No ONe Has Ever Seen Such Thing
Doctor I'm Too Big
Love Has A Woman's Body


? On Fierro magazine with cover and comics illustrations (published by La Urraca, Argentina)
On Lancio Story comics magazine (published by Eura, Italy)
On Comic Art, Horror and L? Eternauta comics magazine ( published by Comic Art, Italy) with cover and comic illustrations.
On El Gallito Ingl鳼/strong> comics magazine (M鸩co) with cover and comics illustrations.
On Somos news magazine ( published by Atl᮴ida, Argentina)
On Revista de La Naci󮼯strong> Sunday magazine ( published in La Naci󮠍 newspaper, Argentina)
? On Noticias news magazine (published by Perfil, Argentina) with cover and internal illustrations.
On Kiss Comix comics magazine (published by La C? Editions, Spain)
On Selen comics magazine ( published by 3ntini & C. Edizioni, Italy)
On Penthouse Comix comics magazine (Holland).
On Eurotica comics books collection (published by NBM, United States)
On Clar�/strong> newspaper ( published by Agea S.A), in Clar�Magazine, Lo Nuevo and Classifieds.
On La Naci󮠤e los Chicos children?s magazine (La Naci󮠍 newspaper, Argentina)
On Genios children?s magazine ( published by Agea S.A, Argentina), illustrations for horror stories.
On Colecci󮠤e Grandes Clᳩcos ( Genios magazine, published by Agea S.A, Argentina)
On Genios magazine (published by Agea S.A, Argentina) script by Carlos Trillo.
On Colecci󮠇randes Aventuras ( Genios magazine, published by Agea S.A, Argentina)
On MICO children?s magazine (Turkey)

? In collective exhibitions of illustration and graphic humour in Buenos Aires, LujᮬBahia Blanca, C󲤯ba and La Plata.
? In the Salon Internacional del Comic, del Film de Animaci󮠹 la iIustraci󮠌ucca '90 (International Saloon of Comics, Animation and Ilustration Lucca ?90) (Lucca, Italy, 1990).
? In the Braque Award to the comic, organized by Patricios Bank Foundation and the French Embassy having been awarded the 2nd prize (1992).
? In the VI Bienal de Arte Sacro, Painting 1996 ( Buenos Aires, 1996).

In charge of:
? "My way of working" workshop in Bahia Blanca Casa de la Cultura (arts centre) (1993), "My way of working" and "The illustration" in the Design School in Cuyo National University (1993 and 1994)
? Illustration workshop in the Escuela Argentina De Historieta. (1994-1995)
? Private drawing and painting workshop in Escobar ( since 1991)
? Como jurado del concurso Aspirineta de Arte Infantil, organizado por Bayer S.A. (desde 1994 al 2000).
Acted as:
? Jury in Aspireneta de Arte Infantil competition , organized by Bayer S.A ( from 1994 to 2000)